When they need reliable and cost-effective home services for senior care, Milton, MA residents can call the experts at Hahn Home Health Care Inc. We provide a range of private home health services, but specialize in dementia, Alzheimer’s, and senior care. Milton, MA families who are searching for an affordable solution to the challenges of caring for an elderly family member at home, can turn to us for a number of helpful solutions. Our organization is family owned and operated, and was established in 2010 by Larry Fleischman because he saw a need for affordable home care providers in Southeastern Massachusetts. Named for Larry’s uncle, Irving Hahn, we are committed to ensuring that families searching for affordable senior care do not have to face the challenges that are often all too present.
We Are Fully Licensed Senior Care Milton, MA Providers
When it comes to private senior care, Milton, MA residents can residents can rely on the caregivers and medical professionals employed by Hahn Home Health Care Inc. As a privately owned and operated home health care provider, we are proud to employ 7 registered nurses, which gives us the ability to dedicate an RN to each and every one of our clients. In fact, no matter what the situation, our clients can rest easy know that for every 40 hours of billed services, we provide a home check up from their assigned RN. Here at Hahn Home Health Care Inc., we take the time to get to know our clients to ensure that we provide the perfect caregiver for their unique situations.
Professional In-Home Senior Care in Milton, MA
When you turn to Hahn Home Health Care Inc. for senior care, you can rest easy knowing that your loved one is being cared for by a skilled professional. We employ all of our caregivers through our organization, which means that when it comes to senior care, Milton, MA residents never have to worry about a family member being cared for by an outsourced contractor. We have a talent for matching our employees to the right cases, and are happy to employ a range of caregivers that can offer everything from homemaking services to complex medical care.
Call Us About Senior Care in Milton, MA
If you are searching for affordable and private senior care in or near Milton, MA, give us a call today at (339) 788-9620, or contact us online. We are happy to schedule a consultation to discuss our services and which ones will suit your loved one best. When it comes to private, at-home senior care, Milton, MA residents can turn to the experts at Hahn Home Health Care Inc.